Sergei Shilin

Entrepreneur, AI

Sergei Shilin

Sergei Shilin

Entrepreneur, AI

Thoughts That Turn Into Actions

2 minutes
April 17, 2023

Thoughts are where everything starts at. You begin small. At first, you think “it would be nice if I …”. Then it becomes “what if I actually did it?”. Once you outline the possibility of it happening, you start seeing both good and bad outcomes. At this step, bad outcomes usually outweigh, and most people end up taking no further action.

Others start questioning, “how do I maximize the good outcomes and minimize the bad ones?”. This leads to an action plan. With an action plan, one takes action.

5 months ago, I thought “What if I moved to Toronto? Must be nice since my friends are over there”. Yesterday, after my co-founder and I came back from Niagara Falls, I joined my other friends at a birthday party in the city and met many more amazing people. We sang, played guitars, drank alcohol, and simply had good time. On my way back home it hit me — I am happy here. I needed this in my life, and I never had it in either Ottawa or Montreal.

Was it the city that made a difference, spring’s sunny weather, or me being tipsy, would be impossible to tell. It’s no longer important. What’s important is that my moment of happiness started with a simple “what if”.