Hi, I'm Sergei đź‘‹

CTO, Entrepreneur

Sergei Shilin

Hi, I'm Sergei đź‘‹

CTO, Entrepreneur


Passive-Aggressive Canadians

1 minutes
May 15, 2023

Real-life example of what it means when you are a Canadian but suddenly get very annoyed and angry. Two guys sneaked into the bus without paying. What would a Russian bus driver do? Kick those guys the hell outa the bus. What did my very Canadian bus driver do? Played “Tap your Presto card” message on repeat 20 times. This is hilarious. Love it.

Thoughts That Turn Into Actions

2 minutes
April 17, 2023

Thoughts are where everything starts at. You begin small. At first, you think “it would be nice if I …”. Then it becomes “what if I actually did it?”. Once you outline the possibility of it happening, you start seeing both good and bad outcomes. At this step, bad outcomes usually outweigh, and most people end up taking no further action. Others start questioning, “how do I maximize the good outcomes and minimize the bad ones?

Startup Founder’s Journey. Episode 3.

1 minutes
March 19, 2023

I found a co-founder (English is so funny), and that’s what matters. Tomorrow week six begins. This means we are 7 days away from Antler telling us “you guys suck” or “you guys keep going”, and the closer we get to this point, the more I feel like an imposter. My roommate is Princeton graduate. My co-founder had 2 successful exits and $$$ from investors. I have achievements in Fortnite and hemorrhoid.

It Sucks To Be Poor

1 minutes
January 27, 2023

It sucks to be poor. It sucks having to think about grocery budget. It sucks noticing that inflation is real. It sucks spending 50% of income on rent and another 20% on food. It sucks not being able to save up for retirement. It sucks having to draw from the emergency fund. It sucks thinking about tomorrow because tomorrow you might become homeless. It sucks not being able to afford a car in a country that relies on cars.

Startup Founder’s Journey. Episode 2.

2 minutes
January 25, 2023

What I hated the most about a corporate job is times when there’s no real work to be done, and you just have to sit in meetings and do nothing. Just be a fly on the wall. That time when you pretend like you spend your 8 hours a day doing something working. In fact, nobody really works 8 hours. Read this story about a freelancer who did a stressful week of non-stop work only to find out they worked for 35 hours: https://www.