Sergei Shilin

Entrepreneur, AI

Sergei Shilin

Sergei Shilin

Entrepreneur, AI

It Sucks To Be Poor

1 minutes
January 27, 2023

It sucks to be poor. It sucks having to think about grocery budget. It sucks noticing that inflation is real. It sucks spending 50% of income on rent and another 20% on food. It sucks not being able to save up for retirement. It sucks having to draw from the emergency fund. It sucks thinking about tomorrow because tomorrow you might become homeless. It sucks not being able to afford a car in a country that relies on cars. It sucks not being able to afford living in a country that does not rely on cars.

It sucks having to think about money.

For me it’s a choice. For the majority of population it’s a reality.

I am glad I am going through this stage now, after I had experienced what it feels when money is not an issue. I am glad because I can clearly see what’s wrong with our society. I am glad and yet again,

It sucks.